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Personal information, vault settings, etc.

How to change email address on your BitRail account

If you want to change or update your email address on your BitRail account, follow the steps below. If you see an error when you try to change your email address, it may belong to another BitRail account. In this case, contact our customer support. Y

How to change phone number on your BitRail account

If you want to change or update an existing phone number in your BitRail account, follow the steps below. For your security, after you change your mobile phone number, you will be logged out and required to complete identity verification with your ne

How to change mailing address on BitRail Wallet - Address Change

In some cases, you can change your mailing address when you are logged in to your BitRail Wallet. Note that in some cases your account status does not allow you to update your mailing address directly in your account. In this case, please contact Cus

How to change phone number on your BitRail account

If you want to change or update the mobile phone number in your BitRail account, follow the steps below. IMPORTANT: For your security, after you change your mobile phone number, you will be logged out and required to complete identity verification wi

How to change email address on your BitRail account

If you want to change or update the email address you have in your BitRail account, follow the steps below. NOTE: after you complete email verification, you will start receiving verification links on your new email address and you will be able to use

How do I edit or change my BitRail vault handle?

You will be given a default FreedomCoin vault handle upon creating your BitRail account. If you'd like to change your vault handle in your BitRail account, follow these simple steps below. Under Vault Details. *Note: Your vault handle must start with

Where can I find my vault handle?

To locate your vault handle, log in to your BitRail account. Once you are logged in, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and click on Vault Settings. Your vault handle is listed under Vault Details below Personal Info. Please feel free