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How To Login Into Your BitRail Account Using Two Factor Authentication - TFA

This tutorial will show how to log into your BitRail account using Two Factor Authentication, or TFA. TFA is commonly used to provide an additional layer of security for your accounts. You will need to complete two-factor authentication (TFA) using y

Forgot Password / How to Recover BitRail Password

If you forgot your BitRail password and cannot log in, follow the steps below to recover your password. When you log in, please check that you do not have the Caps Lock on, and that the spelling of your email address is correct. If you cannot log in

Is the authentication page secure?

Is the authentication page secure - link appears on the BitRail Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) screen during your Two Factor Authentication (2FA) process. This is used for additional account security when you sign up or log in to your BitRail accoun