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What happens if I don’t complete identity verification process for BitRailUpdated a year ago

If you do not complete your identity verification process during sign-up, you will not be able to use your account to complete transactions and to buy and sell with BitRail. This process is in place to ensure users’ transactions are safe and secure.

If you signed up and completed your identity verification, and get an error message when trying to complete a transaction, log in to your BitRail account and check if you have any messages in the BitRail Dashboard indicating that you have not properly completed your identity verification process.

If you have not completed your identity verification and prefer to complete it by sending us documentation, you will need to send us two documents:

  1. Valid photo ID
  2. Bill or statement showing your name and address
    Read this instruction for details on manual identity verification.

Alternatively, even if you did not complete the automated identity verification during your initial sign-up for BitRail, you may still be able to complete it using our automated process. Make sure you are logged out of your BitRail account, Log in again and follow the instructions on the screen.

Note: if you can successfully complete your identity verification using the automated process, you do not need to send us documentation for manual verification.

If you still need help, please contact our Customer Support.

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