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Unable to connect bank account to BitRail WalletUpdated a year ago

If you cannot add a bank account or are unable to connect to your bank account using the instant method, please read below for help to link your bank account. 

Note that some bank accounts may not be able to link to your BitRail wallet. If you have trouble adding your bank account, please retry adding it.

If you still cannot add your bank account, I recommend adding a bank account from a different bank or try adding it manually. Read the instructions below.


Note: you can only add a checking or savings account.


How to Add Bank Account Instantly to BitRail Wallet

  1. Login to your account here: 
  2. Under your name in the upper right corner of your screen, select ’Bank Accounts
  3. Click ‘Add Bank Account Instantly
  4. On the Add Bank Account > Select a Bank screen, select your bank from the shortlist provided on the screen, or use the search field at the bottom of the screen to find your bank.
  5. If you use the search field to find your bank, type your bank’s name and you will see a list of options to choose from.
  6. On the Add Bank Account,> Verify Credentials screen, enter the credentials (your username or email, and password) you use to log in to your bank account.
  7. On the Add Bank Account > View Bank Accounts screen, select the bank account(s) you want to link with your BitRail wallet by moving the toggle to the right. You may select one or more bank accounts.
  8. Click Link Selected Account(s).
  9. When you see “Vault setup complete” your bank account(s) have been successfully linked with your BitRail wallet. Click the button on the screen to go to your BitRail dashboard.

If you have any issues connecting your bank account, please send me a screenshot(s) of the error and/or where you are getting stuck, with any additional details that we can use to help you.


How to Add Bank Account Manually to BitRail Wallet


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