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I didn’t receive authentication link to my mobile phone during log inUpdated a year ago

BitRail uses two-factor authentication (TFA) during login for additional account security. 

If you did not receive a text message with the authentication link to your mobile phone during login, follow the steps below to troubleshoot your issue.

First, log in to your BitRail account here

  • Enter your email and password and click Log In
  • Wait until you see a screen with "We have sent authentication link to" - you should see the last four digits of your mobile phone number on this screen
  • Check the recent text messages on your mobile phone to see if you have a message from BitRail.
  • The message starts with "To login to BitRail click:" followed by the link 
  • If you find the message, click or tap the link to continue your log in
  • Next, click or tap Continue Authentication on the Two Factor Authentication -screen
  • You will see "Authentication Complete" after you have been successfully authenticated
  • You can now close this window and return to the screen you used to log in
  • NOTE: The link is only valid for 15 minutes. After that, you will have to start the verification process over

If you cannot find the the factor authentication (TFA) text message on your mobile phone, please try the following: 

  1. Make sure that all the devices you're using have been updated to the latest operating system and app versions
  2. Clear your browser cache and restart your computer or mobile device you are using to log in to your BitRail account
  3. Check your network connection
  4. Restart your mobile phone you are using to receive the TFA text messages
  5. Verify that you have not stopped receiving text messages from us. This can happen if you answered "stop / unsubscribe / end / quit / cancel" at any time to our number. If you stop receiving text messages from us, you need to restart receiving them, and restart your log in process
  6. If our system detects that your mobile phone cannot temporarily receive text messages from us, you should receive an TFA Email that you can use to temporarily log in. If this email was sent to you, the email subject is "Two-Factor Authentication"

If you still cannot log in and need assistance, please take screenshots of the steps you take when you log in and send them to us with details, so that we can see where you're getting stuck.

You can contact our Customer Support here.

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