How to Transfer Money from Your BitRail Wallet to Your Bank AccountUpdated a year ago
You can transfer money from your BitRail Wallet back to your bank account within the daily transfer limits. You can find the daily transfer limits under the Fees, Holds, and Limits -section in the User Agreement.
Follow the steps below to transfer money from Your BitRail Wallet to your bank account.
Before you can transfer money, you need to have a verified bank account linked to your BitRail Wallet. Read this article for instructions on how to add a bank account to your BitRail Wallet.
- Log in to BitRail
- Click Transfer between accounts at the bottom right on your dashboard
- On the Transfer -screen:
- Click the top Choose account -field, and select USD Account
- Click the lower Choose account -field, and select your bank account
- Click the Transfer Amount -field and enter the dollar amount you want to transfer from your BitRail Wallet to your bank account.
- Click Next
- On the Confirm Transfer -screen, verify that all information is correct, and click the Transfer button
- You will see the confirmation of your money transfer. You can click Show Transaction Details to see the details of your transfer, or click Go to Dashboard which will take you to your dashboard.
- On your dashboard, you will see the status of the transfer as "Pending - Bank transfer in progress".
- Note that the transfer can take up to 3 business days depending on your bank. Weekends and holidays are not business days.